Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair iPad 2 Wi-Fi Problems

iPad 2 Wi-Fi Problems

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Recovery Wi-Fi antenna

Copper foil, which is made from the antenna broken, try to clean up the region, and as if to tin seal by soldering.

Where one ear, there's nothing to smooth out and did not have to, and where the metal bracket with two holes had to scrape off the attached protective layer office knife, then use the rosin successfully zaludit this area. Samuel planochki zaluzhal using soldering flux, since it is not copper.

Cooking antenna to soldering
Cooking antenna to soldering
Aerial sealed
Restored antenna
Restored antenna
Restored antenna

The antenna is restored, the device can be assembled and tested.

With screwing the antenna in place and cabling problems should arise, I will not in this detail.

Restored antenna screwed into place
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