Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair iPad 2 Wi-Fi Problems

iPad 2 Wi-Fi Problems

Views: 21323

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Disconnect the LCD screen and remove it.

LCD screen iPad 2
iPad 2 LCD screen without

Now you can disconnect and sensor. To do this, open the locks of connectors and gently pull the stuck train.

Connector Touchscreen
Connector touchscreen trail off

It is possible to remove the antenna. In this unit it was torn and unscrew the 3 screws that hold it was not a mandatory step.

Cable Wi-Fi antenna

In the center of the next photo shows the black wire. This is the wire from the antenna to be deactivated and removed for repair antenna or her replacement.

Cable Wi-Fi antenna

Generally Here is serviceable antenna:

An efficient Wi-Fi/bluetooth antenna iPad 2

Obryvochki our antenna also untwist-they more useful-try to weld the whole thing.

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