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Massager Repair

Views: 15942

I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

The appearance of the massager:

Ruchnoy massazher
Ruchnoy massazher
Ruchnoy massazher
Ruchnoy massazher

The nozzle was much hang out and knock. Let us massager and look inside. Maybe something went wrong.

Massazher otkryt
Massazher otkryt
Massazher otkryt

Unscrew the small pile shurupchikov and remove the vibrating tip.

Vibriruyuschaya part snyata
Vibriruyuschaya part snyata
Povrezhdenny rubber derzhatel

It turns out, torn gum, which was attached to the nozzle.

Porvalas rezinka
Porvalas rezinka

We need to do something like that. Suitable rubber from car camera.

Cut out a rectangle of the desired size.

Rezina on zamenu

Drill holes in the rubber mounting holes and screw in place, holding the metal plates, as it was originally.

The new gum fastened to the movable part of the
Konstruktsiya sobrana
Ustanavlivaem renovated structure in korpus

We continue to collect the body.

Now, massage for a long time with an assignment.

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21.09.2013 at 19:48 Sabita said:

Hi ,Very nice article.I need a help fom you guys. I have a kolvin heat massager.

Few days ago there was a small problem in the masager.I wanted to repair it but to my utter disappointment I am not able to disassemble it. Plz help..........

26.09.2013 at 15:39 Georgiy said:

Dear Sabita,

sorry for so long reply.

But I still don't know how I can help you.

I have not found detailed description of disassemble of a kolvin heat massager and I never had the massager in my hands to find a way for disassemble it.