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Refrigerator Relay Repair

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

The refrigerator for several years, worked fine, complaints he was not, but was sometimes heard from him quiet crackling of the motor area. Crackled refrigerator, but stopped, and then went to work. Probably half of the year popped before suddenly stopped working. The light was burning inside, and the cold was gone.

Open the engine compartment refrigerator and find the cause of failure

Motorny compartment holodilnika
Otkryty engine compartment holodilnika

Outwardly, everything is fine, all the pins are not rusted, not dark, though a lot of dust, but it does not affect the oxidation. Vacuumed and proceeded to disassemble-need to check the relay refrigerator.

Podbiraemsya holodilnika
Rele holodilnika. razemy

All connections to the relay off pretty easy, of course, it rests on two screws, unscrew them and remove the relay. Turn off the switch on the top two screws and remove the top cover.

Relay refrigerator. upper cover is removed.

Now take out the rotor, and then remove the metal plate to the coil, they are easily removed entirely.

When applying to the winding AC rotor starts to vibrate and rotate, and for a whole mechanism turns the gears.

Shesterenki holodilnika

Now unscrew the two screws that were under winding (in the photo above, they already loosened) and remove the body with all the gears. Now we see a contact group relays and gear that it closes/opens.

Shesternya and contact gruppa
Shesternya and contact gruppa

The pads almost completely covered with black patina, and there are also around darkish patina is seen in the photo. Take out the three platelets.

Kontaktnye ploschadki

We clean the pads with sandpaper or something than can scrape.

Ochischennye contact ploschadki

Put in the place pads, gear reducer with more gears, metal plate to the coil, the rotor and the top cover. Relay brushed and ready to work again in the fridge.

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