I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.
Crashed on the phone LG S367 screen. Right in the center of the screen "star" was formed.
Proceed to disassemble the phone.
The first step is to remove the back cover and take out the battery, memory card and SIM.
7 Turn off the small screws and open the case.
Now detach the front panel from the inside.
It remains to peel the screen from the motherboard (it is glued to the double sided tape) and turn off the trail.
The two screens: the old and new.
On the new no adhesive tape and protective (insulating) piece of film. I had all the glue from the old. With a piece of blue tape were no problems, and double-sided adhesive tape lost its adhesive quality of the screen, so it was planted in a regular glue. It's easier than cut like pieces of a new tape.
Connect the cable, fix it.
Glue in place a new screen and collect the phone.
Turn and look at the new screen. It works!
Frustrated screen: