Main Technics Repair Repair of a car Repair car Audio (Volume Control)

Repair car Audio (Volume Control)

Views: 17651

Volume knob has ceased to turn down the volume. That is, regardless of the direction of rotation of the volume only increased. Disorder ...

Let's open the radio and see what's inside. To do this, unscrew the fixing screws and podkovyrnut back cover.

Zadnyaya cover snyata

Remove and front cover.

Perednyaya cover snyata

To get to the volume control does not prevent us to remove the handle. Usually it is easily removed, but had some trouble here. Someone put it on the sealant. Knob folding, rests on top of the bent metal plates. They turn down and remove the upper part.

Regulyator volume razobran

Here we see the mechanism of highly contaminated (by the way, the same problem was with faulty mouse wheel ). Wipe all friction parts (rotary switch and contacts in the form of antennae) cotton swab with alcohol. I also "round timber holey" fell off, had his stick.

Details cleaned (contact disc fell off)

We clean the joints of contact platelets and glue it into place.

Details cleaned (contact disc glued in its place)

After cleaning, make sure that all the rubbing "whiskers" are located exactly on the same level, then collect everything in reverse order. I broke one of four metal plates that hold the assembly volume control. Do not worry, in three will also hold. And if they were broken off, you can glue on the top of the plant, but gently so the glue does not hit the inside of the contact elements. You can go check!

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07.05.2021 at 20:40 Ella Starr said:

Thank you so much for this help with cleaning and fixing a car stereo. I just purchased a chevy and the stereo hasn't worked yet. I am going to remove it and try to fix it, and if I can't I'm going to get a new one!