Main Technics Repair Repair of a car DIY Tire Compressor Repair

DIY Tire Compressor Repair

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Overload bit burnt compressor motor in the car. Without load it could pump air, but to pump up the wheel could not just stop. Not strong enough motor. It was therefore decided to replace the burned-out motor. Immediately, I note that it is not very cost-justified, the motor is not much cheaper than a new pump, so that the article is for those who like to dig deeper in the art.

The motor was ordered on Aliexpress.

proceed to repair the compressor

Unscrew the four fixing screws (photo taken after unscrewing them).

Car compressor

Remove the top cover.

Car compressor top cover removed

We reach the interior of unscrewing the motor that keeps the two screws.

The internal contents of the automobile compressor
The internal contents of the automobile compressor
The internal contents of the automobile compressor
The internal contents of the automobile compressor

Electrical scheme is simple: the motor is connected via a switch.

Mechanically, too, nothing complicated: the rotation of the piston is converted into a "back and forth", and in the working cylinder, two valves. One produces the other lets air inside.

compressor motor car
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