Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair Sony Xperia Z Screen Replacement

Sony Xperia Z Screen Replacement

Views: 10438

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The new screen is glued

What needs to happen on the reverse side:

Flex sensor and its connector
sensor connectors and LCD screen
connector and cable LCD screen

Connecting the cables to the new screen, do not forget to connect the battery and begin to stick the back cover.

All the same sealant.

The back cover is plastered with sealant

Apply a thin layer of sealant, install the cover and pressed it all for a few hours so as not to fall apart. Sealant does not grasp instantly, like duct tape.

Several closeup sealant on the back cover:

sealant on the back cover. Macro.
sealant on the back cover. Macro.
sealant on the back cover. Macro.
sealant on the back cover. Macro.

In general, this is what happened in the end:

Sony Xperia Z with the new screen
Sony Xperia Z with the new screen
Sony Xperia Z with the new screen
Sony Xperia Z with the new screen
Sony Xperia Z with the new screen
Sony Xperia Z with the new screen
Sony Xperia Z with the new screen

This device supports wireless charging:

internal wireless charging
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