Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair Lenovo P780 Screen Replacement

Lenovo P780 Screen Replacement

Views: 18315

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The new screen, rear view.

Cut out and stick double sided tape to mount the new screen.

double-sided tape pasted to mount a new screen
double-sided tape pasted to mount a new screen

Remove the protective film from the double-sided tape and poking loops in specifically for them to make a hole glue the new screen.

Now we need to fix the loop sensor. He glued, double sided tape already glued, you just need to remove the protective film and attach it in place.

Mounts loop sensor
Mounts loop sensor

Flex sensor in place, the lower fee, too:

Mounts loop sensor

Then it all gather in the reverse order, turn on and check.

A few photos with flash:

The screen is replaced by
The screen is replaced by
The screen is replaced by

And a couple of pictures without flash:

The screen is replaced by
The screen is replaced by

Unlike the original screen-mirror button, the light does not penetrate through them. For the rest, there is no visible difference, everything works perfectly, perfectly conveys the color, as a mother.

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