Main Technics Repair Mobile Devices Repair How to fix a Mouse Wheel

How to fix a Mouse Wheel

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Inside, we see the broken wheel. It can be seen that the wheel on the ground in their slots, and the wheel itself and the rotation sensor does not connect.

Deactivate the defective wheel.

axis mouse wheel broken off
axis mouse wheel broken off
axis mouse wheel broken off

As the new axis will use a piece of metal wire with a diameter of at least the old axis.

It will work with almost any wire: thick copper wire, aluminum wire, nail or a piece of a wire yet. Just do not take the tin-too soft metal. I do not rule out the use of plastic, and the new axis, just take the plastic potvёrzhe. Personally plastic for such purposes is not used. Yes, you can still take a little extra hex that the letter "G", unless of course suitable diameter. Then it will be enough just to cut a piece of the desired length and set as the new axis, and the step of forming a hexagon with a file would no longer be needed.

In this example, the nail to be used, since other types of wire were found. And the thickness of the solution.

nail to replace the old axis slomavsheycya
nail to replace the old axis slomavsheycya

Moving on. Define the length of

The new axis will not only stick, but held within the wheel.

Let us estimate the length of the new axis

Cut off a piece of the desired length.

Procurement new axis
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