Main Technics Repair Repair of a car DIY Tire Compressor Repair

DIY Tire Compressor Repair

Views: 12652

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The new engine will be without the gears, so it must somehow be removed. She picked up her scissors-is removed. So problems with the gears should not be.

gears on the motor compressor car

The new engine (R550, F07, DC 12 V, 18,000 rpm):

new engine
The new engine and gear is

The problem was that the new axis of the motor is too long, do not intermeddle this axis in place of the old motor. So we had to saw off the axis.

The new engine too long axis
The new engine with a short axis
The new engine with a short axis

Now all is well, you can put a new engine in place and solder the wires:

The new engine on the ground
The new engine on the ground
The new engine on the ground
The new engine on the ground

Now collect the compressor (do not forget to remove the motor metal "shirt" with markings, and that will be difficult to close the compressor).

The insides are in place. The compressor renovated

After repair naturally checked how it works. Tire pumps, all is well.

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