Main Technics Repair Repair of a car Cleaning DENSO Common Rail Injectors

Cleaning DENSO Common Rail Injectors

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Now produem the same nozzle carburettor cleaner. To do this, press firmly pipe cleaner into the needle seat and turn on the solution.

purge nozzles carburettor cleaner

After blowing nozzles to blow the spray without tight clamp to the landing place of the needle to blow out anything that might remain on the cotton swabs.

Cleaning central

It could not make out, but if you remove the sprayer and the check valve is easily blown in all directions. Do not forget to shake out of the central part of the spring-loaded and the washer that near the place of installation spray, and it can be lost by blowing. At first I Otter mud cloth that was visible near the check valve, then blew by the spray from the bottle cleaner fuel supply channel, the channel backleak himself a central core.

injector cleaned. Putting

If in the near future is not expected installation of the nozzle into the engine and running, all the details you need to cover anything that will protect them from rusting, for a few days, maybe weeks, to purified internal parts may be irreversible changes and nozzle not work will. I took a little before cleaning the fresh engine oil. Diesel fuel did not take it too stinks.

Fill in the nozzle directly onto the valve oil, wait until it leaks down, just do not put pour oil into the inlet of the fuel and in the holes of the spray gun.

The nozzle fill with oil.

Then paste it into the solenoid all the goals that were there, spring-loaded, pour a little oil and twirl. This oil flows out through the return channel.

A solenoid with a spring inside the oil
Obratny valve masle
solenoid bolted, some oil leaked out.

Next, collect spray. All you can grease, pour into the cavity of the needle oil, then set the needle all gather and we twist, tighten by hand. Now you can wipe the excess oil from the nozzle and tighten the nut keys. Turning angle of contact solenoid can see from the photographs. But for the sake of simplicity of the scheme cite technical documentation:

The orientation of the solenoid connector
Details of the oil spray.
The lower part of the nozzle is lubricated with oil.
Diffuser put in its place, it remains to tighten the nut.

The inlet of the fuel is desirable to plug anything that does not leave any marks that there are not flying dust. I used a cotton swab.

The nozzle is assembled, now would be a good idea to test it, this in the following article: Check Injector Common Rail DENSO.

This nozzle has a correction code by the number of the fuel, which means that in the good after cleaning the nozzle must be assigned to this new code and register it in the engine control unit, because some options at disassembly, cleaning, assembly could "sail" or "move over a little." If you conduct tests and prescribe the new codes in the block is not possible, then let's hope that after cleaning the correction values ​​are closer to what is already written in the block, as if contaminated injector its parameters change, and come back after treatment. I'm not sure, check out this theory was not possible. But I think that if the parameters and the "return" is certainly not exactly as were new.

A nozzle does not need me now, I'm ready to change it to 8000 rubles. I have a number of the person from whom I take this injector, he still has two of these, but not shelled. I'm in St. Petersburg. Write in the comments or via the contact form.

Today (06/04/2013) went to the Bosch service on testing of the nozzle. Test plan in their particular model is not, therefore tested on a common plan for DENSO and there is no numerical parameters of the fuel, there is only "return pipe" at 1600 bar. Report:

Checking for Nozzle DENSO booth at the test plan

At least in the "return pipe" nozzle in order.

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