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Windows Repair

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Latch Installing to Window

Modern plastic windows are very easy to use - easy to open and close, and in two "directions", have the function of "mikroprovetrivaniya" (that is fixed in the window slightly open state). But these functions are often insufficient to ensure a stable level of ventilation required. Almost always there is wind, which either closes or opens our window. In such a case, the ideal solution would be to install a window latch in the form of a comb. This small and easy-to-install thing... read more

Windows Insulation

Indoor temperature depends not only on the parameters of heating equipment. How warm is your room or study depends largely on the quality of the insulation space, including the degree of insulation of windows, as the main channels of heat loss are the window openings, and only then to the door, the floor, walls and ceiling. Much of the heat loss accounts for windows. Glass is loose, poorly fitting parts are contributing to the deterioration of insulating properties of the... read more

Wooden Doors and Windows

Anyone sooner or later faces the need for some repair work in the house. However, while a full major repair work often requires professional assistance, the windows and doors can be repaired on your own, without professional specialist services. As a result of improper and long-term operation, doors and windows start coming apart, swinging open, squeaking and falling to pieces. They may also get warped or even sag. These are simple defects, which can be easily fixed with glue, joinery... read more