Main Home Renovation Renovation in a Room Radiator Screen

Radiator Screen

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Screens installed on radiators, will hide not so beautiful radiators "Soviet" model, which even dyed look not modern. Side of the screen is composed entirely of mesh, overlooking the warm air, so the installation of the screen will not worsen quality of heating the room, but will significantly improve the look and protects the area near the heating elements in the room, because the "Soviet" radiator is the set of edges and corners, which will be hidden behind the screen. And the time it took to install the screen the battery is no more than an hour, even in non-professional, because the installation is no big deal and does not require special tools. And everyone knew that the installation screens will be much cheaper than replacing the radiator. Also wipe the dust from these screens much easier.

Here is the «Soviet» radiator before packing it into a decorative screen

The screen for the battery can be mounted on a special bracket, or directly on the elements of the heating system.

It consists of a small section of about half a meter in width. We collect the required number of sections, to have enough to cover our battery, connect them with bolts:

Mounting screen elements
Mounting screen elements
Mounting screen elements

When the desired number of cells connected to each other in the correct size screen time to wear it to the battery:

The battery is hidden behind the screen

At the edge, where there is no pipe-worn metal plate cap, and themselves screens attached to the battery white collars-ties.

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