Main Home Renovation Renovation in a Bathroom Bathroom renovation v2

Bathroom renovation v2

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When you start to make repairs in the bathroom, make sure to remember that it will be necessary to comply with the essential requirements at all stages of repair, as they are important elements in the process. This area must be not only functional, but also comfortable, because this is where you can relax after a hard day's work, as well as get fit and positive energy. For this reason the repairs in the bathroom must be done professionally, especially for those who want to make alterations.


It should always be remembered that the poor quality and bad plumbing repairs can cause constant trouble delivered to you and your neighbors in the form of flooding. The first step, before the necessary repairs in order to determine what it will repair - major or cosmetic. This is necessary in order to know what costs you are coming and how much time will be spent on its implementation. If your bathroom pipes were changed recently and want something new, then it will need to perform cosmetic. For this we need to define a style that will repair, as well as all the necessary materials in order to translate this idea into reality.

If you will perform repairs, then have to be aware that its implementation will require increased financial costs. If the room is the bathroom is not satisfactory because of their dimensions, it can be increased by demolishing the partition between the bathroom and toilet, which greatly increase the space where it will be easy to put all the necessary furniture and equipment. But, before you make the demolition of the wall, you will need to obtain the necessary permission to BTI.

The most important thing in the bathroom is a floor that needs to be done efficiently and well. If you decide on a floor lay tile , then the surface for it to be well aligned. To this floor was warm, you can use special electrically heated or water "warm" floor , who work at the request of the owner. Due to this heating, the bathroom will never see the dampness and mold. If the floor in the bathroom is too rough, it is best to perform further cement screed. By the best materials for floors in the bathroom are considered natural or artificial stone, as well as ceramic tile.

The next step in renovating a bathroom is a good wiring, hidden under the beautiful tiles. The ceiling in the bathroom, you can make outboard or rack, but thus it should be treated with a special tool, which will protect it from moisture and swelling, as the bathroom is a bit more moisture than all other areas. After all this work done, it is safe to install a bathtub or shower stall. To bathroom was always comfortable, you will need to choose the right lighting for it, which will provide the comfort and charm of the room.

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