Main Home Renovation Renovation in a Room Child Bedroom

Child Bedroom

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It is known that adult hands-on approach to their own home. Children, on the contrary, in the house only see the magic world, which should fit everything. Because of this design a child's bedroom, in which they live or will live a child should be weighed very carefully: any magic world need to be supported so that it is comfortable and enjoyable, as well as different in comfort and functionality.

When you make a repair of bedroomin the new apartment or just a bedroomfor the baby cook, you should choose the right nursery. You should know that this bedroomshould be spacious and bright. It will be good if the window of the bedroom will go to the west or south. Better when the bedroom is separate and not passing, and is away from the kitchen or living room. In this way, you will create the necessary silence for their child, which has a positive impact on the rest and sleep of the child. When repairing a child's bedroomneed to determine the design project.

Child's bedroom

When you start to repair the premises, make sure you Decide what features will serve your children, highlighting certain features of your bedroom. The first step is to consider the fact that the child will be a child, and, as we know, the person rapidly growing and constantly changing. As a consequence, repair bedroomshould be in accordance with the changes in the near future.

In drawing up the design a child's bedroomwould be good to consult with the subject, who are going to live. When two children, each of them should have its own working and sleeping. Of course, many times limited financial resources, so you need to consider your own case.


Repairing a child's bedroomshould take place in several different stages. Start at the ceiling, walls, and then move on to the floor.

The ceiling in the nursery will have to plaster. The repair, of course, you can expect a lot of dirt, dust, from which you want to get rid of all possible ways, because after work to paint the ceiling. This way, you make it easier for child care and will keep it in good condition, when will the repairs. Very often, the ceiling is made in the form of drawings. In many cases it is possible to see, for example, the starry sky.


When repairing the bedroom can not miss the wall. Here you can take advantage of several options: either painting or Wallpapering. Painting can be done after a set of preparatory work. However, care for colored walls is very simple. It is known that young children love to depict the wall, and these will be easy to clean. If your choice was the wallpaper, then you need to be low cost (due to the rapid depreciation).

For floor coverings in children should choose washable materials. This, for example, laminate or cork, or, much more expensive flooring. Especially for a child's bedroom buy a rug that will have to close the place where your child plays and near his bed.


Best for such premises are bright and not very bright colors. Because otherwise possible eyestrain child. Carefully select materials for children. Remember that they should only be clean and odorless.


With such repairs can be carried out window trim. In this case, you need to carefully seal the existing cracks. It is recommended to fill them with foam. This way, you protect the bedroom from drafts, which are detrimental to children's health.


A very important part of the repair can be considered a child's bedroom lighting device. Such premises have to be well lit.

Children's bedroom have to be divided into several areas:

  1. Dressing is designed to store clothes;
  2. gaming location;
  3. Workplace homework, lessons and reading;
  4. shelves or cabinets that will keep books and other things.
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