Main Home Renovation Renovation in a Room Bedroom Design

Bedroom Design

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Before doing bedroom repair, it is necessary to think over everything very carefully. The healthy sleep completely depends on a room situation. Thus, apartment renovation is necessary for beginning with the general plan of the apartment or the house, and the arrangement of a bedroom is defined by the following parameters:

  1. For a bedroom it is better to choose the room located in a distant room or on the second floor, if the house two-storeyed. Planning carrying out repair, pay attention to that the bedroom was far away from kitchen.
  2. Near a sleeping room there should be a bathroom. Quite often for this purpose do a separate bath which is in a room adjacent to a bedroom.
  3. Windows should leave to the south, the southeast or the East, but at all to the north.
Bedroom with green walls

Apartment renovation carry out, proceeding from available quantity of money and certain design decisions. But it is not necessary to be fond of race behind new trends of a construction fashion, together with it is not necessary to save strongly. Choosing finishing materials for a bedroom, it is necessary to consider their ecological properties, and for a bedroom — first of all. Natural materials, for example a stopper, a tree, textiles, promote a good dream and don't cause an allergy in the person.

A floor of a bedroom cover a piece parquet, a parquet board or cheaper laminated covering. The carpet, though well looks and is pleasant to the touch, but can serve as the store for a dust that can cause an allergy in your members of household. For an additional cosiness and heat it is possible to put about a bed on a timber floor woolen rugs.

Wallpaper for a sleeping room should be with simple drawing or in general monophonic once again not to tire an eye. Opaque walls create comfort. Relief wallpaper which can be painted then are quite popular. Color of paint gets out on taste of the owner, and wallpaper with drawing adds to a bedroom a refined lustre. If you have difficulties with a choice of materials for repair, in this case it is better to address to experts who will provide you with all necessary at the normal prices.

If to speak about color scale for a bedroom then it is necessary to follow some rules strictly. First of all, use only sustained, quiet tone: blue, salad and green. Violet color can cause melancholy. It is better to include a few details of violet or lilac color in interior design. This rule concerns shades of orange and yellow color. The red color scale strongly strains and even overloads nervous system for this reason it is not necessary to apply it in registration or carefully to choose combinations and shades.

However, for the rest that doesn't demand involvement of the expert, as the expert you should act. If you carry out repair independently, it is better to do everything on the taste, instead of to listen to the last styles.

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