Main Home Renovation Renovation in a Bathroom Gas Heater Membrane Replacement

Gas Heater Membrane Replacement

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Column sort regularly work with include gas when the water is heated by the combustion gas. But it so happened that she became a long time off. That is, turn off the water, and a large flame burns more seconds 5-8, after gradually fade. The water boils in the heater, the internal pressure is increased, it is terrible in general.

After reading the internet came to the conclusion that something is wrong with that node, which turns on and off the gas when passing water therethrough. Bought a kit for column Neva 3208 and went to repair.

Home Repair. Let us examine a little

A general view of the gas kolnoki

Remove the front panel knob and the water temperature button for ignition fuse. The handle is fastened by a screw, and a button just pulled out.

The handle unscrewed and removed, the Off

The picture above we see one screw on the left of the axis of the temperature controller. Unscrew it and remove the cover.

Metal shell geyser shot

It looks like a plate with markings on this column:

Marking a geyser

Some photos innards from different angles:

The insides of the Soviet gas column
The insides of the Soviet gas column
The insides of the Soviet gas column
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