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How to Putty? Artists Tips

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Basis of any repair — qualitatively executed putty. It would seem, process elementary, but also it has the subtleties. About how it is correct putty any surfaces I and I will tell in this article.

Roughnesses, hollows, cracks — everything demands processing. The technology of a putty doesn't suffer misses. Further they can cost to you and money and nerves. Before gluing wall-paper, or to paint walls, any surface needs to be prepared competently. What for this purpose is necessary?

  1. Actually putty (starting and finishing).
  2. Spatulas of a various form.
  3. Special skin.
  4. Construction mixer (as a last resort stick).
  5. Сontainer.
  6. Water.
How you have not to putty

Actually, in this work there is nothing difficult. We only will tell about some subtleties and nuances that as a result your result than differed from work of professionals.

We consider trifles at a putty

  1. Despite a variety of ready mixes, it is better to prefer dry mixes and to plant them with own hand. It is connected by that you can pick up «the consistence». Someone likes to work with a dense putty, and someone prefers the liquid.
  2. It concerns both starting, and a finishing putty. To make a mix simply: in capacity pour out a powder and gradually add water and stir. The construction mixer will well cope with this task. Remember, the ready mix quickly stiffens therefore to do it for emergency it is not necessary.
  3. Prepare a working surface. Clear walls of paint, old wallpaper.
  4. (To describe, how it will be not not done by me, this article about how it is correct putty).
  5. Applying putty. Best of all spatula will be suitable for this purpose from stainless steel. For walls big spatula, for hard-to-reach spots and corners the small are used. Put at first a starting putty with a layer (3-5 mm). On big roughnesses a putty it is better проармировать a plastic grid.
  6. If on a surface there are chips and hollows, fill them with a putty, to the general level. We wait, while the putty will dry, and then we will continue work.
  7. Each layer of a putty completely dries approximately in 12 hours. The following layer is put after drying previous.
  8. Two layers of a starting putty is usually enough. A finishing putty we put with a thin layer (1-2 mm). When applying a putty each layer is put in the different direction.
  9. In an ideal after drawing of the finishing putty, all defects (joints, cracks, seams) should be hidden. The surface prepared under wallpaper can be an exception only.
  10. The dried surface we process a special putty skin. And it is necessary to do it with each layer.

Small cunnings

  1. To put a putty on a big spatula it is convenient to smaller. This reception not only will save time, but also will facilitate work.
  2. Having finished work, at once wash up the tool (the dried-up putty to tear off very difficult). At all don't do it under a water supply system — it is possible to hammer the sewerage.
  3. The first three days after drawing of a putty it needs to be preserved against overcooling and overdrying.
  4. Don't forget and about safety measures. To plant a dry mix it is better in a respirator.

Well, that's all. Now you know, how it is correct шпаклевать, and put the received knowledge into practice and a money will save. Successful repair!

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