Main How to Disassemble How to Disassemble Mobile Devices Emergency Auto Starter JX-R02

Emergency Auto Starter JX-R02

Views: 7145

Within six parallel connected Schottky diodes 30 A Technical Documentation: STPS30L60CT.

Perhaps the diodes to the lithium battery is not being charged from motor generator after the start of charging current for the above can be allowable.

That is, either the creators realized that the device will not give more than 180 A (6x30 A) or very believe in STMicroelectronics and have no doubt that their 30-voltage diodes withstand hundred amperes each. Unlike Intego AS-0211 here at the maximum current overload each diode will be more. The same current, but there is a 40-ampere diodes.

« Crocodile »
« Crocodile »

In this case the "crocodiles" have a jumper between the copper contacts, which suggests that this device is more current than Intego AS-0211, which claimed the starting current of 200 A.

Although the connector to connect to the unit is exactly the same «EC5» 120-150 A, but in a small plastic "wrapper":

Connector« EC5 »


A general view of JX-R02
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View from the end with a flashlight
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