Main How to Disassemble How to Disassemble Home Appliance Scanner Disassembling

Scanner Disassembling

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I'm sorry for not perfect english. In time I'll do a good quality translate. If you could not get anything please feel free to contact me in comments. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Will dismantle the old scanner Epson.

Skaner Epson, view sverhu
Skaner Epson, view snizu

Remove the cover.

Verhnyaya kryshka

Her white part removed, underneath the device radiographic slides.

Belaya cover snyata
Ustroystvo slides snyato
Ustroystvo slaydov

It consists of a fluorescent lamp in the power supply unit and diffuser.

Ustroystvo slides razobrano
Plata PSU lyumenistsentnoy lampy
Plata PSU lyumenistsentnoy lampy

The scanner itself.

Skaner no upper kryshki

Remove the top part of the case.

Skaner without a top korpusa

Here, the main board and the board with buttons, motor with gear and a mobile scanning element.

Vnutrennyaya main plata
Vnutrennyaya main plata
Perednyaya board with knopkami
Perednyaya board with knopkami
Perednyaya board with knopkami

Motor unit.

Blok motora
Blok shesterenkami

Scanning element.

Let us scan element.

Skaniruyuschy element
Skaniruyuschy element
Skaniruyuschy element

Board with a linear CCD array.

The card with a linear CCD

The system of mirrors.

Sistema zerkal
Sistema zerkal

And here is the lens (Upper case letters «F» 6 mm).

Zdes obektiv

To retrieve the object.


This is how the photographs taken through this lens.

photo through the lens of the scanner
photo through the lens of the scanner

This is a board with a sensor attaching the connector.

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